Where do you take your master?

Our dog-friendly rentals for your holidays in Valloire.

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Properties accepting your pet in Valloire. In Valloire, a ski resort located in France, there are several activities where dogs are welcome. Here are some suggestions: 

Snowshoe walks: Many snowshoe trails are open to dogs, providing a great opportunity to enjoy the snow and scenery with your pet. 

Cross-country skiing: Some cross-country skiing routes also welcome dogs, allowing you to enjoy the activity while sharing a moment with your four-legged friend. 

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Hiking: The hiking trails around Valloire offer great views and are often accessible to dogs, but be sure to respect local rules regarding the presence of animals and keep your dog on a leash when necessary.

Training and agility courses: Some stations offer training courses for dogs, including agility activities that can be both fun and educational for you and your pet. 

Before going into activity with your dog, be sure to check local regulations and respect the rules regarding dog behavior in public areas.