Where do you take your master?

Our dog-friendly rentals for your holidays in Saint-Tropez.

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Pet-friendly rental properties in Saint-Tropez. In Saint-Tropez, there are many activities that can be enjoyed with your dog. Here are a few suggestions of activities where dogs are generally accepted: 

Beach walks: Some beaches on the Saint-Tropez peninsula allow dogs, particularly outside the peak tourist season (generally from May to September).

Hiking: The region offers some wonderful hiking trails that can be walked with your dog.

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Village visits: Many of the picturesque villages on the peninsula are dog-friendly. You can stroll the cobbled streets, visit the local markets and enjoy the charming architecture.

Boat trips: Some boat hire companies allow dogs on board. This is a great opportunity to enjoy the beauty of the coast from the sea.

Friendly cafés and restaurants: Some establishments, especially those with outdoor terraces, allow dogs to accompany their owners while they enjoy a meal or drink. 

Parks and leisure areas: There are parks and leisure areas where you can walk your dog and even let him play freely, as long as you respect local rules and pick up after him.