Where do you take your master?

Our dog-friendly rentals for your holidays in Les Issambres.

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Pet-friendly rental properties in Les Issambres. Les Issambres, located on the Côte d'Azur in France, offers many dog-friendly activities. Here are a few suggestions for things to do with your dog in Les Issambres: 

Beach walks: Many of the beaches in Les Issambres are dog-friendly, especially in the off-season. Find out which beaches are dog-friendly and enjoy some great seaside walks. 

Hiking : Les Issambres is surrounded by superb hiking trails that offer magnificent views of the coast. Check out the dog-friendly walking trails and set off on an adventure with your four-legged friend. 

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Parks and green spaces: Les Issambres also has several parks and green spaces where dogs are welcome. You can visit these areas to allow your dog to relax, play and socialise with other dogs. 

Water-based activities: Some local businesses offer water-based activities, such as boat trips or paddle boarding, where dogs are allowed on board. This is a great opportunity to enjoy the beauty of the area while spending time with your pet.