Where do you take your master?

Our dog-friendly rentals for your holidays in Cogolin.

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Pet-friendly rental properties in Cogolin. In Cogolin, a commune in the south of France, there are several activities where dogs are accepted. Here are a few suggestions: 

Beaches: Cogolin's beaches are generally open to dogs outside the summer season, i.e. from October to April. Find out about the opening times and specific regulations for each beach, as some may allow dogs on a lead. 

Hiking: Cogolin is surrounded by beautiful natural landscapes ideal for hiking. Many hiking trails in the area allow dogs to accompany their owners. Be sure to keep your dog on a lead and respect the rules of the trails. 

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Parks: There are several parks in Cogolin where you can walk your dog. The Parc Municipal de Cogolin is a good place to enjoy a relaxing walk. 

Cafés and restaurants: Some establishments in Cogolin allow dogs on their outdoor terraces. It's best to check with each restaurant individually to see if they accept dogs.